Upload Your Documents

Upload your Artwork and documents

A blue rectangle with a question mark.

Need help developing your portfolio?

Schedule a campus visit to talk with an Admissions Team member and ask questions.

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Three Easy Steps

Follow these three easy steps to securely send your artwork, transcripts, or other admissions or financial aid documents.

Step 1: Read the Three Steps and Click the Upload Button

Once you click the button, you will enter The Modern's Virtru Secure Transfer Portal.

Step 2: Sign in With Your Email

You don’t need to sign up. Simply enter your email address. You may be asked to authenticate via email. Check your inbox for a verification email from Virtru, and click the link to proceed.

Step 3: Upload Your Documents

Once you're authenticated, you’ll see the option to upload your files. Complete the upload process and securely send your documents. You will receive an email from Virtru when The Modern's staff receives your documents.

Contact Information
Upload Link

Please note that this form does not confirm an official booking. An admissions specialist will contact you to schedule an appointment.

A green thumbs-up icon.


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