All News
October 23, 2024

Faculty Focus on Students’ Social and Emotional Needs

Chief Academic Officer Korinne Toadvine and Director of Student Services Angie Dixon co-led a workshop, Supporting Students’ Social and Emotional Needs, on The Modern College of Design’s Kettering campus on October 21, 2024.

The objective of the one-hour interactive workshop was to create confidence in faculty decision-making when issues concerning students arise. Some of the topics covered included:

  • Communication
  • Accommodations
  • Late and Missing Assignments
  • Behavior
  • Mental and Physical Health

When students share social and emotional challenges, Korinne Toadvine encouraged instructors to “listen and guide them to helpful resources.” Angie Dixon illustrated how she communicates with students and the one-on-one assistance she provides.

Instructors regularly direct students to Student Services to learn about resources such as advising, time management coaching, and accommodations. Angie offers weekly sessions to help students review assignments and develop plans to complete each assignment.

Angie also connects students with The Modern’s partner, South Community Behavioral Health, which provides free mental health counseling.  

Instructor A.J. Busé expressed his appreciation after the session. He was thankful for The Modern “offering the support our students need and having the resources readily available to help them when needed. It matters.”

Korinne Toadvine regularly offers faculty development workshops, listens to the instructors to provide relevant content, and helps instructors navigate changing student needs.


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