Graduate of The Modern College of Design Starts New Women Focused Conference
Amber Zaricor, a 2012 graduate of The Modern College of Design, recently founded a 1-day conference that will take place on February 7th from 8AM-4PM in Owensboro, KY. The Fill Your Cup Conference is an exciting new way for passionate, career-driven women to hear from inspiring guest speakers, connect with other women and take a moment to fill their cup whether it is half-empty, half-full, or running on fumes. Topics such as leadership, purpose, fear, comparison, giving, community and more will be topic focuses.
Amber is listed among the top 10 designers in Tennessee and is the proud owner of Copperheart Creative, a Nashville-based branding agency. Amber believes that women’s businesses and careers are only as good as the women behind them are and that too many women neglect themselves and fall into burnout (empty cup).
Jessica Barry, president of The Modern College of Design, will be a keynote speaker during the event along with 11 other business-centered women. “When Amber reached out to me regarding the conference she was starting I was thrilled to support her and this great event for women. We are very proud of all of our graduates and will be there to support them in their entrepreneurial ideas,” states Jessica Barry, president of The Modern College of Design.
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