On Friday, September 23, 2022, The Modern hosted its first Design Day, a day dedicated to celebrating design. Current and future students joined faculty and staff for a day of exploration and networking with design industry leaders.
Keynote speaker and Indianapolis Brand Designer Bob Ewing shared his journey in becoming a professional designer. He presented the process he used to define his lettering skills and samples of his professional work.
Design leaders from the Columbus and Dayton markets shared their work and insights into design’s hottest disciplines, including User Experience and User Interface Design, Video, Motion Design, and Branding. Panelists included:
· Modern Alum and Associate User Experience Director Emily Imke of IBM IX
· Modern Alum, Freelance Creative Director, and Modern Instructor Chad Deboard
· Real Art Design Director and Video Team Lead Andy Nick
· Freelance motion designer and Modern Instructor Kevin Passmore
The day culminated with music, food, games, and more on The Modern’s Plaza.
“Design is everything to us at The Modern–it’s our passion, lifestyle, and way of making an impact on the world,” said President Jessica Barry. “We hope this day inspired passion for design in our students that will last throughout their careers.”
Design Day will become an annual fall event that students, alums, faculty, and staff will enjoy for generations to come.